Monday 10 September 2012

Where to find unsigned artists

Hi All

Hopefully by now you have started considering who you are going to work with and are trawling myspace or your contacts for friends in bands/singers etc.

This has several key advantages over using established artists:
1. They will have developed some idea of image but may not be too clear on how they want to come across - this is where you come in.

2. You have a wide array of established artists from over 50 years of the Popular Music Industry to use as influence. This is a golden opportunity for 'Intertextuality'

3. Your will be able to contact your artists directly - obtaining permission to film a music video & to have a dialogue (if you don't know them I recommend that this is over email than in person) where they can give you advice and direction which you can incorporate into your ideas - this is how the process works in real life!

Top tip: when shooting the performers for your digipack/music video/photoshoot take control - Get them to not be afraid of the eyeliner and foundation and keep the hairspray & straighteners handy - this is key to a flattering image when shooting on HD!

Where to look

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