Monday, 16 March 2015

Construction Marks for Assessment

Dear Moderator, 

Please find the final marks and comments for Construction.

Bryony & Morgan

Music Video Level 3 upper

There is a strong sense of control in the use of camera, with a variety of shot types used and framing predominantly well composed and purposeful. There is some experimentation with underwater GoPro perspectives and slow motion. Some creative experimentation with the use of props (rose petals and feathers) and consideration of the tones and colour palate in the set show attention to detail and complement the confidence of the appropriately casted performer to create a strong image and the re-enforce brand identity across the campaign. Lip-synching is consistently in time to present a convincing performance, and this is clearly recognisable and convincing as a music video. The editing is cut to the beat to good effect, sometimes to the beat and uses fades and effects to match the mood of the track and uses the repetition of the falling feathers to mark the structural changes. There is a sense of polish and purpose here along with creative confidence behind a simple idea, realised skilfully. Overall the video is well shot, mostly excellent in its editing and creates meaning with selection of footage and the theme of romance/couples in the city. excellent  mid level 4 35/40

Website Level 4

This is a detailed and more successful product, which functions purposefully in it aims and demonstrates attention to detail beyond the expectations of a home page. There is clear understanding of brand identity and consistency through colours, images, motifs and fonts with the other forms. The students have added a magazine cover for a (suitable?) publication, tour dates, social media, merchandise and a fake iTunes page linked to the website, making synoptic connections in the spirit of the specification. Highly proficient 8/10

Digipack Level 3 lower

Cover conforms to the conventions of digipacks, with central image maintaining the marketing strategy of the video focusing on the singer. There is consistency with the other 2 products in use of branding through colours, fonts and design. The image of the artist is clearly established and re-enforces the music video. There is attention to detail with the institutional blurb and record label. Overall some variety in the images which are far stronger in their composition, arrangement and editing than the text overlays and sizing which rather lets this down. All the conventional elements are present with the dimensions, tracklistings, spine and thanks message inside. Proficient 7/10

Evaluation Level 2 Basic 10/20
The responses generally do not include the detailed presentation of examples to match the analysis of the productions. Whilst question 1 is edited to the commentary, the same standard does not apply to the other 3. Further detail in how audience feedback was practically used to improve and an assessment of the success of the campaign would be required for higher marks. 

Tapz and Tierney

Music Video Level 4

Attention to detail in the opening with beat editing and well framed and composed photographs and footage, this is convincing as a low budget UK hip hop artist. Shots of various locations around London create a strong identity along with a appropriate and confident performer, Although some of the performances become repetitive, there is some movement and pace to the video that maintains interest creative decisions to hold the longer shots and justified and intended to create a stronger sense of reality, Costume changes and escalating ‘value’ of the locations have subtle subtext to the narrative/theme of the video which fit in with the lyrics of the track. Some standout footage with control over lighting as with hyper-editing to the drum fills and cut & ghosted samples reflected in the visuals. A minimalist, clever and confident piece Level 4 mid 36/40

Website 10/10

The website home page has been interpreted to all formats of desktop, as an app and mobile page to update the brief and demonstrate synoptic links to AS as in the spirit of the spec.  There is a strong sense of design and layout, with consideration and consistency across the campaign in fonts, image and costume to create a modern, classy whilst urban hip hop image rather that the conventional gangster. Links to tours and appropriate venues, a bio yet no advertising for the digipack? Separate photoshoot was conducted with lighting and locations. A confident and convincing approaching professional practice. Low L3 7/10

Digipack 0/10
The group did not submit a digipack for assessment

Evaluation 0/20
The group did not submit an evaluation

Emily, Ben and Ellie

Digipack Level 2 higher
The digipack is recognisable by its form and is a product of a group of 3. There is some consistency in the use of font, and there is some sense of continuity across the panels. There is some attention to detail in the application of institutional logos and legal blurb. This has been place on the left cover however rather than the back. The design is rather basic (‘little love’ positioning on the cover) and bears little relationship with the video other than the use of the star, who does not appear to have been branded thoughtfully. There is some skill in the use of layering and blending. Level 2, basic approaching competence.
UPDATE Improvements made 19/3/15 now Level 3 Proficient 7/10

Website L1/Lowest L2

Other than the font used in the banner, the website lacks any consistency of style, colour or theme with the digipack and music video, and demonstrates a lack of understanding of the image of their artist and purpose in how to brand them. It is unclear what genre this is intended to belong to. The circles are really quite inappropriate both in design and text, and show a lack of care/research with the inclusion of soundcloud on the home page and the music video is not housed here as part of the campaign. As the work of 3 students, this is very basic and lacks care or comparitive reference to existing examples. Lowest level 2, very basic.
UPDATE Improvements made 19/3/15 now Level 2 Mid Basic 5/10

Video Level 2 Basic upper border 23/40

Despite the edit demonstrating notable synching issues at the start, there are individual shots that demonstrate some skill in composition and thoughtfulness in the framing and the synching at the end is tighter. The stop motion opening sequence and the ‘ghosting’ shows creativity but is not used consistently to provide interest or meaning. Generally the shots are held too long for the pace of the track (20 secs plus) and show basic interpretation of the synaesthesia of the track or structure of the song. There is an attempt to use costume and location, though both lack depth to provide suitable contrast and therefore meaning - the absence of lighting impacts here also. There is little narrative progression/resolution to the images on screen. As the product of a group of 3 this is best fit in the upper basic level, justified with the inclusion of found images of women to fill in the time.


Hayley & Jen

Music Video Level 4 mid-upper

A strong sense of control and creative intention through the use of camera and editing to realise this narrative performance video, which is well paced despite being nearly 4 minutes and offeres memorable moments. There is attention to detail in the mise-en-scene with costume and location changes (including a hedge maze), supported with a confident central performance casted appropritely to the image of the artist, and additional props to provoke interest such as the sparklers, the shrine and the feather/angel character. The framing and composition of shots is generally excellent, with a variety of angle and positions employed to create meaning and hold interest, close-ups dominate and keeping focus on the artist/character. A purposeful and consistent use of the colour palate through colour correction visualised the mood and atmosphere of the song. Lip synching when used judicuously is convincing and well performed. Most shots are steady and movement is controlled and smooth - the doors opening at the start demonstrate confidence and the final 90 degree arc into the sunlight. Excellent across most of the skills consistently. Level 4 37/40


Establishes a strong brand identity and maintains consistency of image across the other products in colour, font, design, focus on the artist and the vintage look. There is attention to details with the barcode and record label and this has a clear sense of purpose and skill in design, using images shot from a standalone photoshoot. Although some detail missing, there is enough to be considered excellent in most skills. Level 4 9/10


The website serves its function in drawing together the campaign, embedding the music video and digipack. This demonstrates a strong sense of design and arrangement of images, social networks and multimedia content. The digipack release is central and promoted through iTunes along with tour dates, soundcloud tracks and merchandising drawing on synoptic understanding as in the spirit of the specification. Level 4 9/10

The group have submitted 3/4 completed responses
Level 2 upper (basic)

Sophie & Sophie

Music Video Level 4 mid
A confident and mostly well-shot video, which works well with the chosen track to visualise the mood. There are some memorable shots that are interesting such as the use of green screen to tie in the train/falling on the tracks druken hallucination with the scenes at the house at the resolution showing creative intentions and a degree of flair in storytelling. The flowers kicked into the camera to cut to black, and the use of objects thrown that are (sometimes) edited to the break or section changes in the song. There is great variety in the range of camera positions, angles and perpective used and there are strong moments of composition to create claustrophobia . There is some attention to detail here in the choice of a run down location to reflect the mental state. Some jump cuts are always not framed carefully enough to make the effect work seamlessly and the pacing of the edit is not always matched to the pace of the track but the central performance is confident, the casting decisions are subvert expectations of target audience and family relationships. Overall excellent in most of the skills, Lower Level 4 33/40


The website accomplishes its function in uniting the campaign, advertising the release date and image of the digipack using a conventional banner – though they have uploaded the whole 4 page panel key. The colour palate and images are consistent across the campaign as are generally the fonts. There is understanding and construction of merchandising, online distribution, social networks, tour dates drawing on synoptic understanding as in the spirit of the spec. The home page is quite well designed with a sense of balance, though a little sparse and lacking polish in the composition. 
UPDATE Improvements made 19/3/15 now Level 3 Proficient Upper 8/10


A strong sense of purpose and design here. The digipack maintains brand identity with the other products through its use of colour, font, theme and has some interesting composition to produce a striking front image (and the rainbow on the boat inside cover) that unites the image of ‘where the band are from’ approach to Indie genre. There is attention to detail with lyric quotes inside, well-framed images and track listing appropriate to an album. Barcode and record company logo and legal blurb are present though the latter is squeezed in at the bottom. Nevertheless, control, purpose and good use of original images with excellence in layout skills. Level 4 9/10



Website 2/10
The website uses a central image that does not conform to the brand identity of the use of colours, images and theme of the other texts (though this is confusing since there are 2 drafts of the digipack and this matches one of them, though not the music video). The album itself is not promoted effectively with release date prominent on the home page or social networking, tours etc. Though Natasha has extended the brief into including merchandising. Overall this demonstrates borderline minimal and basic understanding of the role of a website within an album release campaign or the function of this in uniting all the elements.
Level 1

Digipack 7/10 (Level 3 low)

*Natasha hasn't labelled her final digipack, as the stronger of the 2 drafts I have chosen to mark the 1st.

The wood theme links with the video, as well as focusing on the central artist. The effect used however whilst an interesting visual statement does not necessarily unite the campaign as it is not used consistently, nor do the colours join those used in the video’s palate. Taken in isolation however, this is recognisable and an ‘Indie’ digipack, the orange on green colour scheme is not easy to read and fonts however on the track listing. Some attention to detail with the legal blurb at the bottom, spine and barcode.  Whilst the effects and photography demonstrate confidence in skills, this is undermined by the lack of polish on the track listings and title (which is easily missed).

Music Video Low Level 3

Some interesting ideas in this conceptual/narrative video – a variety of footage and shot types, with underused/unexplained content (baths, masked characters in black, the paint) giving a loose sense of narrative that creates mystery and ambiguity but the lack of resolution and premature ending make this look unfinished and uncontrolled. A strong central character throughout gives a confident performance let down quite heavily by the out of time/unconfident lip synching, and a lack control over lighting to produce the desired mood on the performance sections. There is some attention to detail here in the use of make-up, the interesting use of paint follow the leaves, the hospital external and the costume of the medical smock and masks to create meaning. Overall, the editing of footage does not match the pace required by the beat of the song but tries to visualise the structure of the track (the ‘eye’ close up at the end of the section), if not the changes in pace and mood. Incongruity of narrative progression suggests an ambitious idea unrealised. Some nice individual moments however best fit Level 3 lower 27/40

Evaluation 2/20
The evaluation is incomplete with 3/4 questions responded to all using the Prezi form. The audience bullet points critical feedback, but the response lacks the evidence of who the audience was, at what stage the feedback fwas collected or how it was used to improve the work. The success of the work is not objective. The campaign response again is bullets points without the discussion of creative decisions required to demonstrate understanding re-enforced by the absence of examples. There is no discussion of use of conventions beyond a brief examination/categorisation of a Radiohead example looked at in class.
Level 1


1 comment:

  1. Mark Scheme
