Monday, 17 December 2012

Deadline Week - Friday 21st 6pm Youtube Rough Cut

Notice - Kieran & Connie & Katie - leave your camera gear with Ian in the music office. They are being sent away Weds AM to be serviced so I need them in school today & tomorrow

Lesson Objective

Continue to edit to develop and build you rough cut for Friday - below is feedback & improvements from your what you sent to me on Friday

Katie - Some good shots, you really need to focus on getting performance uploaded & multiclipped. See the post on the blog for instructions. Cut down the Playground footage - the narrative isn't clear and goes on too long. Beat edit it doesn't match the tempo of the song. Difficult to grade without seeing synching. Grade ?

Iesha & Alex - you urgently need to get those extra shots as there is a lack of variety in the footage. The bar fight Tom is smiling so cut this more carefully - if necessary re-shoot closeup of his face hiding the background. Teetering on a Grade C2 currently try and get this up to a B with the pick up shots. Borrow camera from Katie or Connie to do this today - the cameras are getting sent away on Wednesday and I need to package them Weds AM.

Connie & Kieran - Hope the shoot went well, I didn't receive the cut on Friday so I have nothing really to add. Obviously get it uploaded and multiclipped - see the instructional video posted and other students to help you. You must give your camera and kit to Ian in the music office they are being sent away on Wednesday morning to be serviced. Grade ?

Max - I waited on Friday to book you a camera but I haven't heard anything. They are being sent away Wednesday but i can let you have a Palmcorder over the xmas break. Grade ?

Chloe & Nicole - You didn't send me you cut on Friday so I cannot comment on how to improve. Grade ?

Joe & Maisy - Narrative bit unclear - you need those crowd shots and the shot where they are breaking into the building. Why do the band have masks on that early in the song? Shouldn't this develop for the big reveal at the end chorus/verse - i suspect you didn't get enough angles without masks on and are relying on these as coverage but if this is not the case then organise this to the structure of the track. The performance needs to be a lot quicker in terms of shots - they are on screen too long at times and not cut to make your singer look as confident as he needs to. Also - make sure you colour grade and darken the shot. Grade B2

Beckie & Beth - Overall pretty good, narrative a little jumpy and disjointed so try and tidy it up so it flows now by cutting it in with the performance footage when that is finished. Why is he kicking the wall? Once you've cut together colour grade and sort the contrast. Grade B3

Magg & Adam - drags a bit during the argument at 20ish seconds so needs to cut away to something else - also what happened to the great bit where Kieran walks out from the front of the house slams door them lip synchs??? Keep that in it was magic. Looking pretty good but you need to get a move on and multiclip the performance asap and then colour correction/effects. Without seeing the performance footage & cut difficult to give you a prediction of grade so Grade ?

Abbie & George - well cut, nice shots but no narrative? Gets a bit samey and predictable after a while so based just on this its a B3. Make sure you colour correct it/motion blur lights.

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