Sunday, 12 October 2014

Level 4 Pitch Excellent A Grade & Your Deadlines for Production

The above is an excellent example of how you bring together all of your influences, mood boards, target audience research into 1 to back up your pitch and present it in an interesting creative way.

This is what you have to do to get Level 4 Excellent for your Pitch and your Test Footage

This demonstrates how this student has used the hours of independent study time to produce her grade A portfolio - on their own.

The List of Research Tasks and your final deadline date is October 17th. After this date I cannot assess your work as having excellent 'Time Management' and cannot place you in Level 4

Over Half Term you will be required to complete the following Plannng Tasks: Your deadline for this is 14th November. After this date I cannot assess your work as havig excellent 'Time Management' and cannot place you in Level 4

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Pre-reading for 14.10.14 Audience Theories

This exam is synoptic - in that you have used and encountered a lot of these theories before at AS.
Read, select, revise and study 5 Audience Theories
Apply them to your A2 Music Video
Use the structure below for each of the 5 paragraphs (one for each Theorist)
Be prepared for next week's class where there will be a quiz on Audience Theories
Exam is in 3 weeks...