Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Starter - why are these relevant to our study?

Recap: http://leighmediaa212pomo.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/how-tv-ruined-your-life-progress.html

Assessment: http://leighmediaa212pomo.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/42-what-was-pomo-again-revision-homework.html

Watch and analyse Wreck It Ralph (case study one)
Initial thoughts - http://leighmediaa212pomo.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/theorists-street-signs.html

1. Why does it LOOK Pomo? (Jameson)
2. Does it THINK Pomo? (Baudrillard)
3. Is it AFTER modernism (what structures and boundaries - Lyotard)

Task 1.
Pick up where we left off.
Apply each of the TERMINOLOGY words to Wreck It Ralph - screen captures please.


Task 2.
Fill in the grid to EXPLAIN why these TERMS are Pomo (how they break boundaries)




Session 2:
Apply to demonstrate:
Close analysis of scenes from Wreck It Ralph:

Using your grids from last week, analyse using Lyotard's Critical Appraoch
1. Breaks or collapses structures between:
  1. Human & Technology
  2. Real and Artificial
  3. Good and Evil
  4. Male and Female
  5. Genres

Q: Are there any Modernism aspects that make Ralph still Modernist?

2. Demonstrates a Lack of Belief in Progress or Rejection of Grand Narratives   
  1. Morality (Good beats evil, self sacrifice etc) - it is a Disney film...
  2. Dystopia
  3. Positive Resolution
  4. Democracy
  5. Intertextual references

3. Demonstrates emptiness of superficial

Simulacra and Hyper-reality (celebrates the artifical)
Intertextual references
Style over substance (VFX over story)


Q: To what extent is Ralph a Post Modern media text?
In what ways it is most pomo?

New Info: Jameson & Cultural Recycling (stylistic approach)

"in a world in which stylistic innovation is no longer possible, all that is leftis to imitate dead styles” Jameson

Create Meaning: Mind Map the Intertextual references from the film
Q. How does your familiarity with and immersion with the characters change how you read the text - how does Nostalgia makes it's meaning richer? 

To what extent is Wreck It Ralph a 'Post'-Modern text? 
Collect examples from the clips

Discuss how it demonstrates the following to create something new and create Nostalgia 
  4. PLAYFUL & IRONIC (Self Reflexive)

Feedback on Liniot

1. Analyse the film for examples of Cultural Recycling (Intertextuality, Bricolage) - how is it making something out of existing texts and how does it create Nostalgia/Retro?
Create Meaning


Monday, 15 December 2014

Notice to Moderator: Final R&P Marks G325 2015

Dear Moderator

As you can see from the previous posts, the deadline set for the Research and Planning has now expired and all students have now begun their Construction stage (see previous post to check deadlines set and published and individual group blogs for documentation of shooting, editing etc). As all group are now producing, the following are the Research and Planning grades awarded by the centre for 2015.

Sophie B & Sophie G: Top Level 4 20/20 (A)
Both quality and quantity are excellent. Thorough, purposeful and regular posting. Well presented and most posts have some commentary showing understanding. Research goes beyond complete and excellent using interaction with professional processes using social networks (such as casting and interaction with the actual target audience) with regular drafting, experimentation with the shots and styles, and documents the process clearly. Both students have evidenced their contributions to an excellent standard.

Natasha B-H: Top Level 4 20/20 (A)
An impressive quantity of work from 1 student working alone with an excellent level of care and quality of information. Regular drafting, commentary and presentation of shots and styles and experimentation with test footage, this blog documents the process clearly. Interaction with professional processes using social networks (such as casting and interaction with the actual target audience) and interviews with the client. An excellent level of care with a range of media utilitised in the presentation, this approaches professional standards.

Ben H, Emily H & Ellie: Lower Level 4: 16/20 (A)
As a group of 3 there are clearly greater expectations of quality and quantity of research, planning and ideas as well as the time to have care and detail in the digital presentation. All research is purposeful with a strong sense of understanding the purpose of the brief and a considerable amount of research and examples looked at. The journey of the video and concept is well documented with where the idea has come from as well as stylistic influences. There is a range of pop female artists studied, though it is unclear how their brand identity has influenced the results and the digipack and website lack drafting. The production of the music video is well planned with experimentation with photoshop and cinematic techniques as well as some test footage. A target audience is identified relating to the actual client used and there is persuasive commentary on how the concept and mode of address will target assumptions about gender and age. All members contributed successfully towards the portfolio with a balance of quantity and quality.

Tierney K & Tapiwa M: Lower Level 2: 10/20 (E) Upper Level 2 (D)
Inconsistent and incomplete. There are some genuine strengths in the presentation of some posts, for example the commentary on target audience and the website/digipack analysis/ and experimentation which shows the derivitive ideas built on from the earlier directed class tasks. However overall, the research and the planning has not facilitated the process and the journey is unclear as to the development and influence of ideas. Many posts have no annotation and therefore no understanding. The planning reflects disjointed organisation and ineffective time management with no contingency planning. There is an incomplete storyboard and a supporting animatic. Tapiwa has clearly demonstrated a greater contribution to the portfolio as his voice is present on the analysis hence the differentiation in marks awarded.

Briony C & Morgan R: Highest L3 15/20 (B) /Mid Level 3 (C) respectively 13/20
While the process has been documented well, the research purposeful and there is a good quantity of planning, there is a lack of evidence of actual audience research or interaction/investigation or specific identification expected to satisfy excellent. The group have demonstrated some experimentation with the style and drafted the video with an animatic using found images - though there are no drafts of the digipack or website and the final design has been selected and it is not clear how they arrived at this idea. Briony's contribution evidenced by the amount of blog posts is more substantial than Morgan's hence the differentiation in grades.

Hayley B & Jen Robinson: Mid Level 4 17/20 (A) both
Thorough, purposeful and regular posting. A strong degree of care has been taken in the presentation with a variety of digital media forms used and most posts have some commentary showing understanding. Research is complete and has a confident level of excellence across the criteria using some interaction with professional processes via social networks with the client and identifies the actual target audience. There is drafting and experimentation with the shots and styles, and documents the process clearly - though there are no drafts of the ancillaries hence the placement within level 4. Both students have contributed sufficiently to be awarded parity in the grade.

Best wishes,

Rich Barton
Centre 61101 assessor &
OCR Moderator for G325 Advanced Production

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Deadlines for coursework

Deadline for your Rough Cut Music Video, Rough Final Digipack & Rough a Final Website:
Friday 19th 5pm

Not the effects and tweaks - all filming will be completed, sequenced and synced and beat edited for 00:00-03:00 or 3:30

Uploaded and embedded to you blog

Each session you will present a video diary to the moderator updating your progress and what has/has not been achieved

Each session you will presents schedule of who is doing what this week, for instance Billy is the first 30 seconds etc...

Deadline 2: 6th January
Over the Christmas break, Contact and send the link for your Rough Cut to your online target audience using a variety of forms of feedback:
Video conf and Skype
Screen captures of likes & comments
Survey monkey.com

Deadline 3: FINAL DEADLINE CONSTRUCTION Fri 9th January for your Final Cut Deadline

Deadline 4: FRIDAY 13th Feb Evaluation
Evaluations are in end of Module 1

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

2.1.1 Deadlines and Countdown

The List of Research Tasks and your final deadline date is October 17th. After this date I cannot assess your work as having excellent 'Time Management' and cannot place you in Level 4

Over Half Term you will be required to complete the following Plannng Tasks: Your deadline for this is 14th November. After this date I cannot assess your work as havig excellent 'Time Management' and cannot place you in Level 4

22. 2nd Test Shoot
23. Production Schedule
26. Test Shots Casting - using http://www.starnow.co.uk/
27. Auditions (video with commentary/skype/youtube etc)
28. Costume Designs
29. Risk Assessments
31. Back up site Recce
32. Rehearsals (videos)
33. Call Sheets 
34. Weather Check (if required) 

Deadline for Rough Cut is Friday 5th December 5pm (5 weeks)

Starter:  http://leighmediaa212.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/video-diary-production-diaries.html

New Info: consistency-in-design-exemplar-what grade?

Create Meaning: Research and Planning - Ancillaries
 Digipack analysis tasks: video commentary
Research: Video commentary or Image analysis using:

example of excellence:

Apply to demonstrate:

Student 1:
1. Mood Board of your campaign digipack

2. Pencil design

3. drafts of your Digipack (for 4 or 6 panel with spine) or use found images put together in Photoshop
Style (blends, filters etc)
Track listing - Fonts (dafont choices)

Comment on how they integrate with your Campaign as a whole to create Brand Identity and Image

Student 2:
1. Website Map

2. Draft of your Website on Wix with:
Rough/found images
Logo and Graphic

Present to the class

Pre-learning for Thursday: Revise Narrative, Genre and Representation for exam prep next week.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Level 4 Pitch Excellent A Grade & Your Deadlines for Production

The above is an excellent example of how you bring together all of your influences, mood boards, target audience research into 1 to back up your pitch and present it in an interesting creative way.

This is what you have to do to get Level 4 Excellent for your Pitch and your Test Footage

This demonstrates how this student has used the hours of independent study time to produce her grade A portfolio - on their own.

The List of Research Tasks and your final deadline date is October 17th. After this date I cannot assess your work as having excellent 'Time Management' and cannot place you in Level 4

Over Half Term you will be required to complete the following Plannng Tasks: Your deadline for this is 14th November. After this date I cannot assess your work as havig excellent 'Time Management' and cannot place you in Level 4

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Pre-reading for 14.10.14 Audience Theories


This exam is synoptic - in that you have used and encountered a lot of these theories before at AS.
Read, select, revise and study 5 Audience Theories
Apply them to your A2 Music Video
Use the structure below for each of the 5 paragraphs (one for each Theorist)
Be prepared for next week's class where there will be a quiz on Audience Theories
Exam is in 3 weeks...

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

7.10.14 Pre-reading for Next Lesson: Representation Theory


This exam is synoptic - in that you have used and encountered a lot of these theories before at AS.
Read, select, revise and study 5 Representation Theories
Apply them to your AS Thriller
Use the structure below for each of the 5 paragraphs (one for each Theorist)
Be prepared for next week's class where there will be a quiz on Representation Theories & Theorists
Exam is in 4 weeks...

Genre Assessment - Theoretical Evaluation


Are you prepared - goes on Module Report

Friday, 26 September 2014

Pre-reading for 1.5.1 Genre Theories

This exam is synoptic - in that you have used and encountered a lot of these theories before at AS.
Read, select, revise and study 5 Genre Theorists (the slides duplicate for your convenience)
Apply them to your AS Thriller
Use the structure from last week for each of the 5 paragraphs (one for each Theorist)
Be prepared for next week's class where there will be a quiz Genre Theories & Theorists
Exam is in 5 weeks...

Friday, 19 September 2014

19.9.14 Pre-reading for Next Lesson: Narrative Theory

This exam is synoptic - in that you have used and encountered a lot of these theories before at AS.

Read, select, revise and study 5 Narrative Theories (the slides duplicate for your convenience)

Apply them to your AS Thriller

Use the structure below for each of the 5 paragraphs (one for each Theorist)

Be prepared for next week's class where there will be a quiz Narrative Theories & Theorists

Exam is in 6 weeks...

Here is the essay plan I would recommend for next week

Starter: Advertising reading messages

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Set work for today 16.9.14

A To explain in your video pitch how your video will construct image, justifying your decisions appropriate to audience and concept
B To video pitch applying ideas of Voyeurism, Hyperreality, Intertextuality to your Music Video concept with examples
C To create a pitch describe how your video will demonstrate Synaesthesia & Firth's types of Music Video

Set work for today: Pitch Production - Deadline is 5pm this evening.
Below is a list of your Research tasks for your portfolio. You have 3 weeks remaining to complete it, this will influence your predicted grade for UCAS. Here is the example of an A grade portfolio http://www.rosiedannylaylaa2media.blogspot.co.uk 

Your pitches will be recorded today ready for me to watch this week online, I will require you to include cut aways in your video to examples of your:

1. Mood Board
2. References & Inspiration: Analysis of your influences on your image
3. Test Footage
4. References and Inspiration: Music Videos, Films, Ads etc
5. Target Audience analysis

You have 3 hours today to complete this and email it to me end of today. 
You will need to ensure you have completed the pre-reading for next lesson where we will film

Where you should be from last session
& notes from Noel Ghallagher analysis of Image and Star in Text

Research & Planning
The List for your portfolio you have 3 weeks to complete

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Prep Work for 1.2.3 How to shoot a Music Video & Advanced Cinematography

Complete the following tasks


In next class (Friday) we willbe doing a practical shoot, recreating 2 existing videos:


2. Shallow Focus


3. Advanced Camera Techniques

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

1.1.1 Conventions of Music Videos and your presentation



What is the star in text
Why would you use this
What type of video would it be
What image are you setting for your artist

Quizwhat type of video collection (%)
Ed Sheeran, Give me Love
Whats the Image?

Present New Information
‘Star In Text’
Noel Gallagher’s 3 videos

Create Meaning
Group discussion of the concept and star in text – each group leads on the discussion
Identify key images that create meaning, give clues about the characterisation of the artist.
Why is the Narrative approach appealing?
How does it give the artist authenticity as a songwriter?
What character does he play?
What symbolism is present?

Divide up and rewatch the videos is group of 3.

Goodwin Framework Analysis

While this is happening: Tutorials on AS marks – on their blogs.

Carousel & Teach each other – test them on the other videos to record their commentary on what makes this…
Relationship to music & lyrics to visuals (Synaesthesia)
Use of close ups
Star in Text

Create Meaning: Play your song and discuss concept
Class make notes on idea generation

Session 2: Image
New Info

Apply to demonstrate
Each takes different one

Come prepared with your case studies into image - develop your ideas
Mood Board the Image as per the study

Star in Text

Analyse NGHFB Canpaign using Goodwin’s approaches (3 groups, 1 each)
Construct the Meaning (groups) on your own examples of music videos
Apply to Demonstrate (Tutorials)
Present your songs and your ideas. Demonstrate how this works in your idea – how does it qualify?

Prepare presentation on your pitch to the class on your video

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Final Deadline & Target Audience/Client Feedback

Music Video must be uploaded to Youtube and EMBEDDED in your group blog by 6pm Friday 17th Jan

No more cameras will be available - they are committed to the AS students

Digipack and Wix websites must be completed and uploaded to your blog by the end of the week Friday 24th January @ 6pm

Your completed evaluation draft is due by the start of Module 4 - you will have no more class time from then on

This will be an individual piece of work for some of you based on your contribution to the R&P

Target Audience

How to find them & get their feedback on (Image, Concept, Technical Ability) to answer the evaluation

Client - Email your artist - their feedback is crucial

Design your questionnaire (10 questions) - paste in to your Social Networks to collect targeted feedback