Monday, 14 January 2013

Mark Scheme Construction - Apply & Evaluate

Lesson Outcome

To self-assess your work accurately
To evaluate student work & justify marks
To apply mark scheme

Evaluate the music videos from the other class - Improvement + Like (32-40 = 9 marks)

32-34 = Low A
35-37 = Mid A
38-40 = High A 

Rank Order - Who is on top

Self evaluate - where does your work sit?

Friday, 4 January 2013

Final Marks Research & Planning & Revised Deadlines

Here is the rank order of your final marks for your R&P coursework that are being recorded to the exam board. As you know, this section is out of 20 out of a possible 100 for the coursework the deadline for which was start of Module 2/shoot week.

You will be able to see your feedback to the exam board when we return.

Congratulations to those of you who worked hard to achieve your A grade. 

Level 4: 16-20 marks (Grade A)
Magg 20
Adam 20
Abbie 16

Nicole 17
Chloe 17
Beth 16
Beckie 16
Georgina 17

Level 3: 14-15 Grade B, 12-13 Grade C
Katie Veal 15 (B)
Maisy 13 (C)
Alex 13 (C)
Iesha 12 (C)
Joe Fitz 12 (C)
Connie 12 (C)

Level 2: 10-11 Grade D, 8-9 Grade E
Kieran 10 (D)
Max 11 (D)

Level 1: Grade U

Note - all these grades are conditional of you getting your pitches captured, uploaded and green screened with your mind maps.

IMPORTANT Revised Deadlines for submission

January 18th: Final Music Video 
January 25th: Final Digipack & Website
February 15th: Draft Evaluation
February 29th: Final Evaluation


Thursday, 3 January 2013

Example L4 Individual Music Video Analysis using Goodwin, Digipack & Website Analysis

Here are Maggs Individual Analysis Tasks, they are currently lower L4 and are an excellent example.

Remember for L4:

1. Present them creatively 
2. Apply Goodwin to 3 x Music Videos each 
3. Digipacks - discuss the conventions - the spine, measurements, how many panels, track listing, where the CD goes, how the panels relate to each other (concept, visual style, image of the artist) 
4. Website - discuss the layout, you must examine how the home page is structured, how the website relates to the whole campaigns design & concept, the use of images, video, the font/logo and how it brands (remember yoghurt???), merchandise, Banners & Backgrounds 
5. You MUST annotate the post concluding what you have learned - why this is relevant. 

"T hese are two of my music video analysis. I've done them in two different ways as at first I thought stills would be easier but I decided after a while that a video version would be simpler to do. This analysis of Music Videos would help me get an idea of the different types of music videos, what they must include, what is the importantce of the relationship between the music and the visuals and the lyrics and the visuals as well as symbolism and how are different techniques used including: voyeurism, intertextuality or hyper-reality. I also will see how different videos break different conventions of music videos of their genre.


"Alesana is an American rock band, which combines different subgenres from hardcore, metalcore to screamo. The album I'm describing above is their 5th album. Two members of the band started writing short stories and the songs for the albums are being written around them - this was for the last two albums. "The Emptiness" and "A Place Where the Sun is Silent" are both of the albums built around the story. It's not only the digipack that follows the story but also the website & the music videos support and follow the theme of the album itself. This task has helped me to see what I need for my Digipack when I create it and how can I make it creative and interesting & desirable to the audience. This is important because I need to make sure I can make it desirable enough so that they buy the album in a shop instead of downloading it off of Internet in mp3 form. " 
"This is a case study of a website that I've decided to analyse and use as one of my influences when Adam and I are going to make a website for our artist. Example does a similiar type of music as Pryce Oliver and his work is all about entertainment, and making sure people have a good time. His videos are creative and always sending a message in some way. This how we are going to promote our artist - creative, meaningful, entertainment, simple & fun." 

Here is Adams for another way of presenting your 3 videos

Here is Abbies analysis of websites

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Website example & Music Video Comparison

How does your campaign compare?

Does your work meet the conventions of a Music Video?


Mise-en-scene  (Image & Concept)
Confident performers
Lighting & Colours (grading)

Use of Close Ups
Shot variety (lots of angles)
Composition - rule of 3rds, depth to the shot, perspective
Smooth Movement
Shallow focus

Beat editing
Verses & Choruses 'look different' - structure